Aireon to Begin Development of Space-Based VHF Communications Services to Augment its Industry-Leading Surveillance System

Abstract image of earth with fiber optic pins

Coalition to define technical standards, operational concepts, business case for space-based CNS services Aireon, the leader in space-based air traffic management data products and services, is setting the stage to lead the next big evolution in safety and efficiency with the formation of the Aireon Space-Based VHF Coalition, a group of organizations that will develop … Read more

White Paper: Space-Based ADS-B for GPS-Independent Position Validation

Aircraft operators, Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP), air traffic control organizations, and others rely heavily on data and associated systems to safely and efficiently operate and navigate aircraft throughout the airspace. From takeoff to touchdown and beyond, positional data is critical. But what happens when the systems fail? What if the GPS data is somehow … Read more

White Paper: Independent Position Validation in Russia

Aireon has developed an Independent Position Validation solution that leverages both the aircraft’s transmitted ADS-B information and the overlapping space-based coverage provided by the Iridium satellite constellation to determine the validity of a reported ADS-B position. Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) allows for accurate and reliable surveillance of aircraft that uses GPS to determine the aircraft’s … Read more

South Africa’s ATNS, Aireon to Collaborate on ADS-B Advancement in Africa

Aviation industry leaders Aireon and Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) of South Africa have strengthened their commitment to collaboration, forging a cooperative agreement to advance space-based automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) products and services in the African continent. Under the refined approach of this partnership, which was agreed to during a series of operational workshops … Read more

South Africa’s ATNS Starts Operations with Aireon Data

South African air navigation service provider Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) has taken a technological leap forward in June as it began using Aireon’s space-based Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) in aircraft operations in its airspace. Since signing on for Aireon data, ATNS has undertaken a thorough and in-depth implementation and testing process to ensure … Read more

NAV Portugal goes operational with Aireon’s space-based ADS-B data

NAV Portugal has begun operational usage of Aireon’s space-based Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) data in its Santa Maria Flight Information Region (FIR), creating comprehensive visibility for the air navigation service provider of traffic flows between Europe and North and South America. Aireon’s space-based ADS-B data stream, combined with NAV Portugal’s ground-based ADS-B, SSR radar and … Read more

Aireon is REDDIG Ready in Latin America

Aireon, the world’s leader in space-based automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) data, is making it easier for air navigation service providers (ANSP) in Latin America to get access to the Aireon data by expanding the availability of telecommunication connectivity options in the region. Members of REDDIG are now able to access Aireon data over the REDDIG … Read more

Papua New Guinea Expands Use of Aireon Space-Based ADS-B Data

The entire flight information region (FIR) of Papua New Guinea – from the ground to 60,000 feet – will use Aireon space-based automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) data to manage aircraft, under an agreement signed by NiuSky Pacific Limited (NSPL), the air navigation service provider of Papua New Guinea, and Aireon. Papua New Guinea has been … Read more

COCESNA Signs On For More Aireon Data

Central American air navigation service provider (ANSP) COCESNA (Corporación Centroamericana de Servicios de Navegación Aérea) has signed a three-year contract for Aireon’s market-leading, space-based Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) data, confirming the outstanding operational and safety benefits to the region. For COCESNA, which had been trialing Aireon data for the past 18 months, the Aireon data … Read more