AireonFLOW enhances prediction capabilities of flow management and other relevant air traffic capacity and demand platforms.

Gate-to-gate, high-fidelity ATS surveillance data for flow management

A robust, high-quality dataset is vital for ensuring the safe and efficient flow of air traffic across different airspaces and aerodromes. AireonFLOW provides Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) a single source of reliable and timely position data that extends well beyond their own Flight Information Region (FIR) or Area of Responsibility (AoR), eliminating the need for ANSPs to engage in data-sharing agreements with neighboring countries.

Global coverage to track aircraft anywhere in the world

AireonFLOW provides position updates for all subscribed aircraft in accordance with ANSP requirements — typically once per minute. This allows for a precise time of arrival into an airspace, waypoint, or an airport. Aireon’s space-based ADS-B provides data for any aircraft equipped with 1090 MHz / ADS-B equipment up to a ceiling of 127,500 feet above ground level. Aireon provides continuous, global coverage, and availability over 99% of the time.

Data streaming tailored for ANSPs

AireonFLOW streams gate-to-gate, high-fidelity Air Traffic Services (ATS) surveillance data combined with flight and airspace contextual information. Together, this enhances prediction capabilities of flow management and other relevant air traffic capacity and demand platforms.

AireonFLOW is designed for use by ANSPs for:

ATFM Systems

Aireon data integrates into a customer’s existing Air Traffic Flow Management infrastructure, ensuring seamless situational awareness for the organization.

Seamless and scalable integration

AireonFLOW easily deploys and integrates with existing flow management systems and requires minimal to no additional hardware. To facilitate integration, the ANSP needs a Data Delivery Point (DDP) to route data to their preferred systems. Aireon ensures secure and reliable data delivery through a scalable event distribution and management platform which supports real-time data delivery and various messaging exchange patterns, including publish-subscribe and streaming over protocols such as AMQP 1.0 and others. All data is transmitted securely using an encrypted IPsec VPN tunnel.

AireonSTREAM product integration illustration

See the power of AireonFLOW

AireonFLOW provides ANSPs with a high-fidelity, low-latency source of position data far beyond their own Flight Information Region (FIR) or Area of Responsibility (AoR) without the need to sign data-sharing agreements with neighboring countries.

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