
Edward Barrett is Co-CEO and Chair of Barrett Corp., a business with operations throughout Canada and the U.S. in the telecommunications, wholesale distribution, and refrigeration business sectors. As Co-CEO of Barrett Corp., he has responsibilities for all aspects of senior management performance review and compensation.

Mr. Barrett previously served as the Chair of NB Power, the New Brunswick provincial utility, for approximately 10 years. In that capacity, he had direct oversight, together with the HR Committee Chair, of annual CEO performance assessment, compensation, and development of goals and objectives. Prior to becoming Chair of the NB Power board, he was Chair of its HR Committee.

In addition, Mr. Barrett is the Chair of the board of Wajax Corporation, a TSX listed company, and has served for 12 years on its HR Committee which has responsibility for CEO and senior management compensation, short, mid-term and long-term compensation plans/incentives and all aspects of performance review.

He also previously served on the HR and Governance Committee of Medavie Blue Cross and is a Fellow of the ICD.